Myopia Management in Bellevue

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Preserve Your Child’s Vision

In the early 1970s, only 25% of Americans were nearsighted. Today, more than 40% of Americans are myopic, and that number is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among school-age children. In 2050, it is expected that more than half of the worldwide population will be nearsighted.

Leaving myopia unmanaged may contribute to more severe eye health complications and sight-threatening conditions later in life, including retinal detachments, glaucoma, cataracts, and myopia maculopathy.

Our goal at Family Focus Eyecare is to provide your family with high-quality, personalized eye care. Our optometrists are dedicated to bringing the most up-to-date treatment options to our patients.

What is Myopia?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is an eye condition that causes blurred distance vision. 

Myopia is typically detected in childhood. It occurs when the eye grows too long from front to back, or if the cornea has too much curvature. This can cause the light entering the eye to improperly focus, making distant objects appear blurry.

Myopia Quiz

Our Approach

To provide your family with the best service, our team will perform an assessment prior to your child’s treatment. During this assessment, we’ll evaluate your child’s eye health, take precise measurements, and assess other risk factors to offer personalized recommendations for your child. 

At Overlake Family Vision, we offer a variety of myopia management strategies to help protect your child’s sight.

Misight Contact Lenses

MiSight daily disposable contact lenses can slow down the progression of nearsightedness. It is the only FDA approved contact lens for the management of myopia. Daily disposables create a better quality of life for your child while slowing down the progression of myopia.

Make an appointment to determine if your child could be a good candidate for our MiSight program. If you want more information, watch this video!

Atropine therapy has been around for many years and has been shown to slow down the progression of myopia. Eye drops are used once per day and the patient is monitored periodically to check for any changes. If myopia increases during the therapy, the strength of the drop can be increased for maximum effectiveness.

Atropine has little or no side effects and is very safe in the use of myopia control. Make an appointment to see if atropine therapy could benefit your child.

Get Help Controlling Myopia

Regularly scheduled eye exams can ensure your child’s eyes are working to their full potential and give us the opportunity to monitor for signs of eye conditions like myopia. 

If your child has uncorrected myopia it can affect all areas of their life. We can help manage your child’s myopia and get them back to living, playing, and learning like they’re supposed to! 

Contact us or book an appointment today if your child has myopia symptoms.

Our Location

Complimentary Parking Behind Building

Through the lights, take your first right onto 152nd Pl NE to access our parking lot. There is complimentary parking in the lot behind our building.

Where to Find Us

We’re located just past the light at Bel-Red Rd and NE 20th St on 152nd Pl NE. Feel free to call if you have trouble finding us!

Our Address

  • 1951 152nd PL NE, Suite 100
  • Bellevue, WA 98007

Contact Us

Hours Of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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